compact disc_001

Beloved Songs and More

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     By CD



01. Mrs. McDermott (5:27)
02. Nicaragua, Nicaraguita (4:02)
03. I Stihi Afti (6:22)
04. Fragments2 (6:28)
05. And Another One (3:52)
06. Female Diavolo? (2:31)
07. Silhouette Island (3:40)
08. Per Fabrizio (2:19)
09. Otan Mian Anoixi (6:08)
10. Hobo's Lullaby (4:18)

Valdinho Langer - guitars
Wolfgang Puschnig - flute, alto sax
Karl Schaupp - piano, keyboard
Reinhard Zoegerhofer - bass
Reinhardt Winkler - drums

Mrs. McDermott
a lovely tune from Irelands most famous musician of the 18th century-tempting to
Nicaragua, Nicaraguita
this song became a kind of national anthem during sandinista revolution. the result
failed and hope vanished.let us keep the music alive.
I Stihi Afti/Otan Mian Anoixi
the great composer and fighter for freedom set to music so many beautiful Greek
poems!the original recording presents the voice of Margarita Zorbala, here you get
the sound of Wolfgang.
is a new version of a former composition of mine
And Another One
blues forever
Female Diavolo?
a funny piece(although in minor!)originally composed as a part of music for theater.
Silhouette Island
a tropical island caused „feel good“music
Per Fabrizio
is a dedication to Fabrizio De Andre the wonderful Cantautore...grazie
Hobo´s Lullaby
this song describes the hard life of the railway-tramps in the US in the early 20th
century-moving verses and melody.